The lack of a birth certificate hinders children in Myanmar to enroll in public school. We believe that it is unjustifiable that the lack of a single document stops a child of getting access to education.
When the students in Myanmar were still enjoying their holidays we were busy organizing birth certificates. Just in time for the school start in June we were able to hand over 88 documents to school age children, in order to make their enrollment for the new school year possible. In all three day care centers we accompanied this distribution event with giving awareness training towards the value of education. Therefore we invited an external expert who was speaking about importance of education, connection to poverty, creating perspectives and supporting the learning success of the children. Many families are not in the possession of this essential document as they give birth in their homes and/or never had the opportunitiy to register their child, due to lack of knowledge or money. Unfortunately, this certificate is the first of all required entry ticket for the formal school enrollment. Luckily nowadays it is bureaucratically possible to collect these documents as a non-governmental organization. It’s not always that easy but it certainly is not impossible to provide children an access to formal schooling! Because every child has a right to education AND a right to hold a birth certificate!