Hooray for a hygienic home
Preparing lunch and dinner daily without them might seems impossible, yet this is exactly how the monastic students of the Mingalar Theikdi nunnery school lived for the past years. This is why on the 1st of January 2017, the SONNE project, to build a new kitchen, started.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Daycare Centres – we are 2 years old!
Two of our three Daycare Centres had their 2 years anniversary. Since July 2015 we are providing food, education and health care to over 80 children daily in these two centres, located in South Dagon and Dagon Seikkan (Yangon Region)
Birth Certificates as gate opener to new perspectives
The lack of a birth certificate hinders children in Myanmar to enroll in public school. We believe that it is unjustifiable that the lack of a single document stops a child of getting access to education.
We are online!
The time has come for us to proudly publish our website and share our activities and visions from now on to the online world. This new platform of information sharing gives us also possibility to stay SSO followers update, keep in touch and raise funds online.