Hooray for a hygienic home!

New kitchen and hygiene packs for parentless nuns

We often take kitchen essentials for granted: A sink, a stove and an oven. We use them every day, cooking our worries away. Imagine preparing lunch and dinner daily without them might seem impossible, yet this is exactly how the monastic students of the Mingalar Theikdi nunnery school lived for the past several years. They had none of these things, only a little camp fire- like hearth to provide food for nearly 55 students. With no proper ventilation, the smoke often clogged up the room, leaving it dirty and full of ash, “indoor-polluting” it. The floor was barely cleanable, the roof old and flawed. This is why on the 1st of January 2017, the SONNE project, to build a new kitchen, started. With the help of former construction manager Mr. Nyein Aye and financed by FairStyria and the Land Carinthia, we were able to build a new roof and a completely new kitchen installation, as well as tile a new, easier-to-clean floor, a new dust-leak-proof door and windows, and finally newly plastered walls.

Opening of the Kitchen in the nunnary school. 

The second initiative by SSO, again in cooperation with the Land Carinthia, were “hygienic packs” to promote healthcare and improve the hygienic conditions in the monastery. A total of 50 packs were given out the girls, which contained essential hygiene products, like soaps, towels, toothbrush and toothpaste, skin creams, nail scissors, etc and two new sets of clothes. Those especially were vital for the orphans, since a lot of them had sadly developed skin diseases due to only owning one set of (often unclean) clothes. Thanks to the great explanation of our health care supervisor Ms. Cho Thandar, they now know the importance of personal hygiene and the general hygienic situation has improved a lot in the school. Hooray for a hygienic home!

The children of the nunnary school are celebrating their new utensils.