Project Description


Our training projects enable young people to receive vocational training in a selected trade or skill. Once our children have a firm foundation in literacy, we build upon this by offering at two further locations, solid vocational training courses. Adolescents and youths have the opportunity of extensive training over several months in tailoring or computer classes. We also offer courses for broom binding and just started a bakery training recently. This provides disadvantaged youth with the best possible preparation for the local job market and opens up future income prospects, whilst at the same time safeguarding and promoting the future of traditional trades and crafts.

The aim of this project is to give impoverished youths, through concrete income-generating training, a permanent ticket out of hopeless poverty to a life of self-determination and dignity. The objective is the occupational integration of these youths. Job coaching and career guidance are also integral to the program.

The particular focus of this project is society’s marginalized groups – unemployed youths for whom their families cannot afford an education or training. At least 150 youths from East Dagon, South Dagon, and Thanlyin township (Yangon, Myanmar) and surrounding areas are to receive income-generating training over the entire project duration.


Project start: December 2014

Project objective: vocational training, job advisory

Project areas: Yangon Region (East Dagon, South Dagon, Thanlyin Township)

Total beneficiaries: approx. 150 vulnerable youth per year

Future plan: Developing a production unit and selling network in order to generate income for the trainees and extend the number of trainees.


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