We are building a STREET KIDS CENTER in Yangon
In and around Yangon, many children and youth endure lives on the street in the most precarious of conditions. Since 2015, SONNE Social Organization is operating three day-care centres (DCCs) for these destitute young people. Our centres provide non-formal education, day care, nutrition, training services, bathing facilities and medical care to 40 – 50 children per centre. Children are taught reading, writing, arithmetic and other school subjects, inclduding a sports and arts program. Children who still have a chance to be integrated into formal school are supported with documents, enrolment, materials and free tuition class.
Within the last years we have experienced rental agreements of apartments for the centres are not sustainable. Short term contracts include the risk of being forced to change place; house owner rules are limiting certain activities with the children. Therefore we decided to construct our first own “SSO centre”. This construction is seen as phase 1 of this project and is a co-financed project with multiple donors. The construction will start in October 2017. The opening and commissioning (Phase 2) of the centre will take place in June 2018.
The centre provides space for a broad program, including non-formal education, formal education support (tuition classes), vocational trainings, sports-& arts classes, cultivation training and alphabetization classes. Around 100 children, youth and family members will participate in one of the activities in the centre daily. This project provides vulnerable and marginalized children and youth the chance to individually develop in a child friendly and secure environment where they will be cared for, can gain knowledge, skills and creativity in order to get an accepted member of the society and increase their chances for a secure and promising future.
The centre is divided in two buildings, each has two floors. On the main building’s ground floor, the day care centre for non-formal education students is located; on the first floor the training centre for vulnerable youth. The annex includes a kitchen, indoor sports and community hall (ground floor) and a tuition class room for marginalized school children and alphabetization evening classes for family members. A sports field and small garden is located next to the centre.
This project will be co-financed by multiple donors to establish a sustainable centre, offering a holistic program and strengthening collaborations.
This center will improve the perspectives of vulnerable children and youth in Myanmar, in terms of education, critical and creative ways of thinking (and more self-esteem and knowledge about personal rights) and overall a more secured future with a safe livelihood and a promising life in dignity. Furthermore this project intends to strengthen the families and benefit the whole community.
- Daycare centre for vulnerable out-of-school children
- Trainings center for marginalized youth
- Kitchen and community hall
- Tuition Class Centre and library for marginalized school children and illiterate adults
- Sport straining at the Sports field
- Cultivation program in the own garden
40 children will participate in the non-formal education and daycare program – daily.
20 school children will participate in the tuition classes and receive support – daily.
60 adolescents will finish a vocational training and prepared for a secure job – per year.
100 children and youth will receive sports training – per week.
100 families will receive awareness trainings and health care access – per year.
Financial status and why we need you
This project is a co-financing project, which currently involves five (public Austrian) sponsors. In order to be able to implement the project in its full quality, we are dependent on further cooperation partners and donations.
The total local costs for the property and the construction (including playground, photovoltaic and water treatment plant, etc) amount to a total of 140 000 USD.
To realize the center in its full planned quality, around 60 000 USD are still lacking.